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Unfiltered Story #326596

| Unfiltered | April 26, 2024

I’m waiting at a stoplight when I experience the slightest of bumps with another driver. She gets a little hysterical, but calms down quickly on her own, and calls her daughter, who calls the police for us. While we wait, I start texting my mother.

Me: “So the good news is, nobody got hurt.”

I tell her about the ‘crash’ and she gives me some “well as long as nobody is hurt,” “be more careful,” etc. I play on my phone for a while more, then text her again.

Me: “The police showed up way faster last time I got in an accident.”

The police finally did arrive and stopped traffic briefly to get us off the road and into a parking lot. In the end it was written off as no-fault, since there was no evidence the collision even happened beyond the fact that we both said it had.

And yes, I did text my mother again to let her know everything was fine.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!