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Unfiltered Story #323898

| Unfiltered | March 29, 2024

When my sister and I were kids, our parents one night rented a movie for us–the topic being about “the birds and the bees.”

Shortly into the movie, uncomfortable sighs began emitting from the both of us, and they got worse when my mom would pause the film to explain things further. Finally my little sister got up:

Sister: Woah, TIME OUT! It’s supposed to be movie night! Why are we talking about private parts?!?

Me: Can I (Sister) and I go play Nintendo? Please?

My mom tried explaining why it was important to know the “human anatomy” so to speak, and why boys and girls are different–

Me: Mom, I DON’T CARE what (Sister) and (female playmate) have, and what I have!

Sister: It’s why we bathe with the door closed, thank you?

Dad: Both of you turn around and watch the movie before I make you write a 300 lines!

As the movie progressed into the “heavier” content, I remember the two of us practically squirming in agony and saying things like “Mom, I don’t think this movie is for kids! This is supposed to be when we have to leave the room!” and “Why…are…we…watching…this?” When the “torture” was over, I remember my sister saying, “I don’t understand why I had to know that!” While I said “I wish I would have just taken the 300 lines instead!”

Fast foward 30 something years later, I have an 8 year old and 6 year old…and my wife is telling me soon it might be time to have that talk. And all I can do is feel for those poor children because I remember EXACTLY how it feels!

Wish me luck!

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!