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Unfiltered Story #323044

, | Unfiltered | May 4, 2024

This happened when I was 8 months pregnant. Also at the time, I had been taking martial arts class for the past 5 years, so I know how to protect myself.

This crazy lady came right up to me and started rubbing my belly and asking me questions.

Me: “Ma’am, stop! I don’t like people touching me!”

Woman: “No, it’s okay, I just want to touch your belly.”

She of course, kept putting running her hands over my bump.

HUGE mistake.


I grabbed her wrist and spin her around so he wrist was now behind her, almost touching her should blades and yelled for security and police.

Of course, Security comes running and sees me restraining her. I let go when they get close enough and back away.

Woman: “No, no, it’s okay! I told her I just wanted to touch her belly. You aren’t needed! It’s not a big deal.”

Me: “And I told you to stop!”

Security officer: “Ma’am, she told you to keep your hands to yourself. That means you keep your g**d***ed hands off her.”

Woman: “And I told her that it was okay! That means it’s okay!”

Yikes… I have no other words.

Well I guess the cops weren’t far away, and I was glad to see an officer that I recognized. Security explained what had happened and the officer I knew came over to talk to me.

Officer: “Ma’am would you like to press charges?”

Me: “H*** yes I do!”

All the time while this was going on, the lady was just repeating “I just wanted to touch her belly,” and refusing to accept or even acknowledge other people telling her that she couldn’t just go around doing that.

It was then that the day became Pregnancy Day, as another pregnant lady came toddling past, looking ready to pop at any second, and carrying some small purchase. The crazy lady spotted her, bolted past the cops and proceeded to put her hands on the other lady’s belly.

Well, the other pregnant lady flipped out, and had a LOT less restraint than I did. The crazy lady had no warning before she was backhanded so hard she spun around and fell to the floor as the other pregnant lady screamed holy murder. I learned some new swear words that day.

Surprise to no one, the crazy lady was arrested and charges were brought up against her from both of us.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!