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Unfiltered Story #323038

, | Unfiltered | April 28, 2024

I used to work at this place run by a disorganised control freak, who didn’t bother to ask questions before judging you. If you were walking around in “civilian dress” around starting time, he immediately assumed that you just had entered, instead of considering the possibility that you had been preparing stuff already.

There was this one morning I came in. A coworker asked me to help him with moving a heavy object. Then, boss walks by. Note that we open at 10 AM, but it is already near 11 AM now.

Boss: ‘[Coworker]! Also clean the pavement here! It’s full of dead leaves!’

Coworker: ‘Will do.’

We both start sweeping the place. Suddenly, [boss] turns loud and angry.

Boss: ‘And that pavement has to be SPOTLESS every morning at 10 AM! Now you have to do it while we are open with all these people coming here! That can’t be! Understood?’

Yes, because there were three visitors around at the time. And no matter how good you sweep it, there is still a thing called “wind” that moves the leaves, sand and other rubbish. Oh, and I forgot to mention that my shift started at 11, so good luck with wanting me to clean it up before 10.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!