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Unfiltered Story #311549

, | Unfiltered | December 8, 2023

What started as a coworker misshearing me, turned into an inside joke of me hooking up with a celebrity on a work Christmas event.

We would reference it occasionally, in a very sarcastic or throw away way.
So when I overheard a new starter ask about it, I chuckled to myself, he was talking to a woman who had been here a while, so i figured she would set him straight.

The conversation went something like:

New hire: is it true someone here snogged (famous celebrity)?

Woman: yes, I was there. It was shocking!

Me: err, where you working here when that happened?

Woman: yes, I must have because I remember it vividly.

Me: I’m not so sure, I think it was the year before ….

Woman: (ignoring me) you know she was supposed to be married, and then tried it on with me!

New hire: no way!

Me: i think you might be remember it differently.

Woman: shut up (my name) just because no one is interested in you!

(OK that wasn’t fair, I had been single a while. But never been rude or made any comment about her before.)

Me: actually, the story you supposedly know so much about. Is me. I was the one snogging the celebrity. Apart from it didn’t happen. Something you would know if you was there.

Woman: oh well, maybe I’m thinking of another time

New hire: someone else hooked up with (celebrity) in this tiny town?

Woman: well, no but. I’ve got to go.

(I explained everything to the new hire and welcomed them to the company. The other woman, she was very careful about spreading lies around the office after then.)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!