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Unfiltered Story #310367

, | Unfiltered | November 25, 2023

While most car insurance claims are simply about people having accidents, every so often a criminal case turns up. We had a customer call us with a truly shocking story of how she had been just getting into her car when a couple of men grabbed her, bundled her into the boot of her car (trunk for Americans), and drove off. Thankfully they were stopped after a few miles, but it was quite traumatic.

The full account from the police was baffling. The two men were burglars, who were driving away from the scene of a successful crime. Only they were driving too fast, and passed a police car. The sight of the flashing blue lights made the men panic, and they tried to lose the police. They then came up with a plan – to ditch the car and carjack someone, holding the hostage in the boot. Their first victim was an elderly man, their second our customer.

The plan was about as successful as you might expect – not at all. And at the end of it they had just added two charges of carjacking and kidnapping to the original burglary charge, greatly increasing their prison time.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!