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Unfiltered Story #301956

| Unfiltered | September 4, 2023

So I was 25 when this story happened, going to what is effectively a government run trade school. Important info, our previous PS teacher had been fired for…no reason that I know was legitimate, and we had gotten a new teacher who wasn’t nearly as good.

Now the thing to know about the first teacher that was different from the second teacher is while the first guy was willing to give you a chance as long as you didn’t have a criminal background, he wasn’t afraid to get you kicked out of PS and put into another program if he didn’t think you had what it takes.

The other thing to be aware of is that the higher ups were looking for any way to get rid of us “old hands” who had been here during the first teacher’s time and were trying to continue to do things his way.

Now in the last few months of my time in this course, a teen joins us. He is brash, thoughtless, and has trouble understanding certain stuff as he has some mental disability. That’s fine. I take him under my wing (at the time I was promoted to Sergeant, which was a meaningless title as our new teacher did not back us up at all) and try to teach him the ropes, as I may not have his exact mental issue, but I know what its like to struggle with one. I very quickly start finding him annoying. He reports every minor infraction, even if its something that can’t be proven and can quickly be stopped if someone else is seen coming (such as smoking, which was not allowed on campus. But most people stop before they are caught.) And its not because he wants to get rid of people PS and the school would be better off without, its because he wants to cause trouble. I know this because he gets one of our classmates termed (expelled) for having a sword on campus because they got into an argument just the two of them. He’s also been caught with chewing tobacco at least once (he is underage and this is a termining offense) and is not termed because “he has a mental disability and we need to do everything we can to help him get a job.” I walk on eggshells with him for the rest of my time there, even though I don’t do anything illegal, because I often have to be alone with him, and I don’t want him to say something happened that can’t be disproven. And I learn still more about this kid. He has multiple harassment reports from new female students that are just starting. Again, he isn’t termed for this or the tobacco. And he’s still reporting anything and everything to get others into trouble. After I leave, I hear he got put on permanent medical leave for trying to commit suicide. (Its termining without actually terming.)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!