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Unfiltered Story #298984

, | Unfiltered | August 14, 2023

This is what happened the last time I tried to talk to my mom about religion.

Mom said something about how God loves us and studying His word will lead to better morality.

Me: “In the Bible, the Israelites did a lot of things that are considered barbaric today.”

Mom: “Those were not done to obey God, but because the Israelites were sinful. Just like people today do evil things without being ordered.”

Me: “But God provided divine assistance, helping them to win conquests against hard odds. Also, God did some massacres directly.”

Mom: “Actually, the archaeological evidence shows that most massacres didn’t happen. They were stories made to encourage moral living and teach the fear of the Lord.”

Me: “What about smaller things, like stoning non-believers? Those happened a lot.”

Mom: “The religious leaders usually did what was convenient for them instead of what God commanded, just like politicians and televangelists in modern times.”

Me: “Some of what happened is central to the narrative, like the Exodus. Would you consider those events to have happened.”

Mom: (thinks for a moment.) “Yes.”

Me: “Do you think killing the firstborn of every Egyptian family was moral?”

Mom: “Well, I believe in an afterlife.”

Me: “Jesus had that parable about a narrow gate to heaven and a wide gate to hell”

Mom: “That’s actually talking about something unrelated”

This conversation went on for a few more painful minutes. Incredibly, mom still expects me to convert back any day now, and keeps offering theology books and other things.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!