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Unfiltered Story #298982

, | Unfiltered | August 14, 2023

(I live with my sister and her kid. Her kid looks like his dad but has her personality: very demanding, high strung, screechy, talks a lot, noisy, temper tantrums, rude, bully, destructive etc. I would move out in a heartbeat but I can’t afford it. So I just lock myself in my room and put on headphones. This annoys her but oh well, I went through hell and back growing up with her. She signs him up for soccer, and tells me I ought to go to his game. I hate soccer, and she knows it, but act nice. )

Me: “Oh really? What’s his team’s name?”

Sister: “Hooligans…”

Me: “What! Haha! Are you serious?”

Sister: “Yeah I dont like it, but…its not that funny! My ‘angel’ is a gift from God!”

(Sure, sis. If God has a bad humor. Even worse, later, she said she’s thinking of giving him a brother! I told her the truth, that she shouldn’t, since she can’t control one. She was pissed, saying I was discouraging her to be fruitful.)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!