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Unfiltered Story #297497

, | Unfiltered | July 30, 2023

I’m visiting my parents, who have a five-month-old puppy. We’re watching tv when the puppy starts barking at apparently nothing.

Me: “[Puppy], stop that!”

[Puppy] keeps barking, so my dad steps in. However, his thoughts are apparently a little jumbled, because what comes out is…

Dad [in his tried and true “I am the Boss!” voice, also loudly]: “[My Name]! Bad!”

The clear authority and the word “Bad” are apparently enough to silence [Puppy], but my mom and I are staring at him. For a moment, he looks between us not getting why we’re starting to crack up, but then it dawns on him.

Dad: “I said [My Name], didn’t I?”
Mom [laughing]: “Ye-es!”
Me: “What did I do? I’m just sitting here, drinking tea! Is that suddenly not allowed?”
Dad: “Yes, yes, I get it, I messed up. You can stop laughing now.”
Mom & Me: “Not a chance!”

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!