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Unfiltered Story #297361

| Unfiltered | July 30, 2023

I was sitting at work minding my own business ironically reading NAR when the pest control guy (who is a bit older and kind of creepy) came in to spray my office. On the side of NAR a pop up came up for a jewelry store that I had recently purchased my wedding ring from. (I am getting married this December and since my fiancé spent a considerable amount on my engagement ring I told him I would purchase our wedding bands.) Pest control guy walks behind my desk to spray and I hear him say something but it is muffled by the mask he’s wearing. I turn and say “Huh?” He repeated “Ooooh engagement rings, you’re not thinking of replacing yours are you?” as he looks at my hand. I am confused at first until I see the pop up ad. “Noooo, I just recently bought a ring from that site that’s why it’s there.” Then he just walked away and I was creeped out. Of ALLLLL the things he could’ve said. “Hi, How’s your day, Wow the weather is hot….literally anything else, How are you gonna look at my screen as you walk behind me and comment on that? So very strange.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!