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Unfiltered Story #291624

, | Unfiltered | May 17, 2023

I’m playing a mmorpg, and wandering around the early game area, when a random new player messages me.
Player: Hey, [My username], can I have some free stuff?
I happen to have some mid-level gear, so I give it to him, figuring that he would get more use out of it than I would if I sold it. Then he messages me again.
Player: Hey, you have better stuff!
Me: Yes, and?
Player: Give it to me!
Me: Wait a minute, I just gave you free stuff, and you’re complaining that I isn’t give you my best set of equipment?
Player: F*** you, you f****t! I hope you burn h***. I’m so much better than you, you join. You suck!
He continues in this vein for a while, before I get fed up with this nonsense.
Me: How about a wager?
Player: What?
Me: Let’s have a duel, if I win you leave me alone, if you win I’ll give you my entire inventory. You ARE so much better than me, right?
Player: Fine! I’m going to kick your a**
We procede to PvP, and he can’t even land a hit on my mobility-based character. I manage to kill him in barely a minute of relaxed play.
Player: How did you do that, you hacker?
Me: It’s called skill, you should try it sometime.
Player: *Leaves the game*

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!