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Unfiltered Story #285352

, | Unfiltered | March 5, 2023

(My brother recently has had trouble with the law and was almost arrested and jailed. Since then he has become very wary of policemen. We decide to travel together across the country, and it is pitch black. A cop car is sitting at a gas station on the right and I’m driving. I suffer from anxiety and we’re lost.)

Me: “Ok I think this is not right, we should go back this way.”

(I do a u turn and then nearly crash as my brother starts screaming at the tops of his lungs. He was shouting that I was stupid to do that u turn and now the cop would come after us. I manage to pull myself together and drive back on the road, and the cop is probably wondering why someone’s shouting so loudly as we wobble off. My brother calms down after a while after I scold him for shouting right in my ear while I’m driving and I tell our family later what happened and they think he was way out of line. He just replies that he was feeling moody and shrugs. Moral of the story: don’t flipping scream in someone’s ear suddenly or you may be struggling to get out of a flipped car!)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!