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Unfiltered Story #28372

Unfiltered | March 29, 2017

By some miracle, I am part of a completely civil conversation about politics, guns, etc, in my favorite chatroom. Chatter #1 and I are the main participants, with input from Chatters #2 and #3. The conversation gradually shifts from personal opinions to stupid things people believe about guns. At this point, New Chatter joins the room.

Chatter #1: “After all, everyone knows that AR stands for Automatic Rifle.”

Me: “Yup, and AK is Awful Killer.”

Chatter #2: “No, it’s Alaska.”

Chatter #3: “Alaska and Arkansas guns?”

Me: “Yeah, that’s why they need to be regulated, to keep geography intact.”

New Chatter: “Not this f****** conversation again.”

New Chatter promptly leaves. Apparently they’ve been witness to too many jokes about how the gun trade warps reality.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!