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Unfiltered Story #279603

, , | Unfiltered | January 1, 2023

(I recently suffered a concussion in my acting class. My acting professor drove me to the local urgent care, where I’m tested and officially diagnosed with my second concussion ever. It also happened to be my second concussion within a year. I got my first one while doing a synchronized swimming show at the camp that I work at. I tell the doctor this and we both laugh at the ridiculousness. Two days later, I’m back at the Urgent Care for a follow up. The doctor that saw me for my first appointment walks into the room.)
Doctor: Hey! How are you doing?
Me: Better, but bright light still makes my head hurt.
Doctor: Yeah, that’s to be expected. Anyways, my coworkers and I had a good laugh about that first concussion you had.
Me: (laughing) Yeah, it is pretty ridiculous.
Doctor: (checking my chart) Now, how did you get this one again?
Me: You thought my first one was funny…
(I told her I got it in my acting class and we both had a good laugh about it. I was able to return to class the next week.)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!