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Unfiltered Story #273159

, | Unfiltered | November 27, 2022

(My company is hosting a customer event in a pub. As it coincides with an important soccer game – it had to do with the World Cup – the theme was football with a viewing of the match on a large screen, just because otherwise nobody would have turned up. There is also a fuss ball game. Important for the story is that I cannot see a moving ball nor predict where it would land. I can see where it starts of and were it landed but in between… no matter how large the ball. I once managed to get hit three times with a ball that had a 1m diameter. We formed teams, first our company against two clients and we just switched team members so that we had two teams with one person from each company.)

Me (in the heat of the game): Offense! Offense! Your defense is crap.
(Cue the client letting go of the bars and watching me while the other team takes the opportunity to score.)
Client: But you are my defense.
Me: I know. That is how I know it is crap.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!