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Unfiltered Story #266842

, | Unfiltered | August 30, 2022

(the power goes out and so I go snuggle against my husband since these sorts of things tend to trigger my anxieties. I am just getting out of a week of depression where self-care has taken a back seat to self-loathing. The following conversation happens:)

ME: I was going to take a bath, but the power is out and I don’t just want to sit in the dark.

HUSBAND: Yeah, you are a little smelly today.

ME: I beg your pardon!

(He looks at me as if he may have just offended my ancestors and begins to backtrack)

ME: I’m not smelly, I’m FRAGRANT!

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!