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Unfiltered Story #260690

, | Unfiltered | June 20, 2022

I’m visiting my friends and the whole trip is focused on their delightful three year old daughter who is happily chatting with anyone and everyone she meets. Just then the kiddo sneezes. Both the parents have been actively teaching her manners and expanding on her vocabulary.
Friend’s wife (W) : [Kid], what do we say when we sneeze?
Kid (K) : Sorry.
W : Very good.

We head out to the neighborhood mall and on the way, my friend almost cuts through a red light
Friend (F) : SHIT! That was a close one.
Me (M) : Yea, you were lucky!

We land up at the mall and move around. In the lift, another gentleman smiles at [Kid] and greets her.
M : [Kid], what do we say when someone greets us?
K : (Very proudly) SHIIT!

The mom and I look at each with a mix of horror and then together start laughing, along with the gentleman. My poor friend, who’s completely mortified, explains to him what had happened, and then focuses on [Kid] to correct her recent ‘learning’.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!