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Unfiltered Story #258294

, | Unfiltered | May 12, 2022

(My friend recently told me the story of how her husband proposed. They had been dating for around 6 months and had both been asked by their bosses–who are also their best friends–to move abroad in 4 months for work. This is how their boss moved things along:)

Boss: So you guys have both decided to to, right?

Husband: Yes.

Boss: In 4 months?

Husband: Ya.

Boss: I think you should get married first.

Husband: Wait, what?! I haven’t even told her I love her yet!

Boss: Well do you love her?

Husband: Yes, of course! But-

Boss: Well then you’ve got to tell her now.

Husband: We only have 4 months before we move!

Boss: Ya. So you need to tell her you love her this week, go ring shopping the week after that, talk to her family and set everything up, and propose at the end of this month.

Husband: Wait, you’re serious!

Boss: Absolutely. So, what day are you going to tell her you love her?

(Her husband did exactly as their boss advised, they were engaged by the end of the month, married 3 months after that, and abroad by the time their honeymoon was over. They’ve been happily married for 7 years and moved several times since then, still best friends with their bosses!)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!