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Unfiltered Story #256524

, | Unfiltered | April 9, 2022

colleague 1: What is with women that they always have to go to the toilet with at least two at a time?
me: Being a woman, I wondered about it myself but the #metoo movement brought it home again.
colleague 1: No? Really?
me: (nodding to confirm)
colleague 1: Seriously?
me: Yes, seriously
colleague 2: What? What?
colleague 1: You know, women going to the toilet in group is for protection.
colleague 2: No.
me: Yes. Trust me. We do know that the majority out there are the good guys. But one wrong encounter can be life changing and they don’t wear a badge announcing they are the bad guys.
colleague 1: Wow. I never considered it that way.

(So guys, we do know that not all men are bad but if we say “No thanks”, don’t take it personally. We cautiously err on the safe side.)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!