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Unfiltered Story #256119

, | Unfiltered | March 31, 2022

(I worked in a small town restaurant/bar, where the dining room is in a completely different room from the bar. This sometimes creates issues of seeing what goes on all the time when I’m the only server/bartender on staff at certain times. Luckily, I happen to know a lot of my regulars personally, and the don’t mind clarifying any issues that I might miss while in the kitchen or other room. The following situation occurs when I am the only server there, have multiple bar patrons, and three families in the dining room. Two of which are regulars, and one family of unfamiliars who have multiple, unruly, young children running around. I have gone into the bar to take orders after having got the dining rooms orders in. I return to this.)

Regulars #1: “(My name,) I don’t like to complain, but that tables (unfamiliars) children are out of control, and they are doing nothing about it. The youngest o….”

Unfamiliar tables man of the family has stomped over to rudely interrupt at this point.

Unfamiliar: “I’m gonna stop you right there. This man (regular) has been harassing my CHILDREN ever since you walked out of here! I DEMAND your manager right fu***** now! They are gonna get the f*** out of this restaurant!”
(I apologize to my regular who I know would never harass anyone, let alone a child, and go get the GM who is the only manager there, and has the highest authority when the owner, (his brother-in-law, btw,) is not present. I let him handle the situation, which goes as follows:)

Unfamiliar: ” This guy has been harassing my kids while your so called ‘waitress’ was running around f***ing off! He pulled my kids pull-up off and set it on his table and then screamed at us from across the room! I want him kicked out, and I want our food for free, as well as extra money right now! Or, I’ll be calling the cops and pressing charges! ”

(The regular he is speaking of is now sitting there mortified and trying to defend himself, while the father just keeps screaming and cutting him off. This is when second table of regulars has had enough and decided to step in. They are also decent people, but they are not pushovers. Naturally, not as reserved and polite as the first regulars.)

Regular #2: “Bulls***! I watched your child run around screaming and acting feral while you and the mother did nothing but drink your drinks and play on your fu***** phones!!! And then your kid pulled their pants down, ripped their pissy pull-up off, and slapped it on a strangers table!”

Unfamiliar: “No he didn’t! That sick SOB took my childs pull-up off and screamed at me for no fu***** reason! He needs to be in jail! And if I don’t get my free meal and compensation, that is exactly where this is headed!”

Unfamiliar’s Wife: “Yeah we want $1000.00 or we sue! And, we want these Muthaf**** kicked out!” (Said through blackened, barely functioning teeth that match her choice of outfit all too well… )

(I’ve been standing there too stunned to notice that the GM has already contacted the police, who are now on the scene, and that all of my bar patrons have now entered the dining room for this show. The GM, who is a soft-spoken but no-nonsense kind of guy, simply led one of the police officers to the office to review the security footage that the unfamiliars were clearly not aware of. The officer then steps out of the office, and firmly instructs the idiots to pay their tab or be charged with theft. The guy is now begining to realize that he has made a huge mistake. He pays, and tries to shuffle his family out the door quickly. The police officers stop him from leaving, and continued to talk to him outside for about half an hour. A van has arrived at this point with what we can only guess are CPS workers. The officers then procede to search their car. The man was wisked away in handcuffs. Meanwhile, my manager has apologized to the regular customers from both tables and has comped their meals. As a couple of days go by, we begin to hear rumors that they were fairly new to town, had some sort of illicit substances in their possession for which the father was criminally charged, and CPS got heavily involved with their kids. We will never know for sure, as it didn’t make the newspapers, and they were permanently banned from the restaurant, thankfully. Hands-down craziest thing I have ever witnessed!)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!