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Unfiltered Story #249594

, | Unfiltered | December 15, 2021

I was sexually assaulted on the job. A police report was filed. The customer had sexually harassed me before, however I didn’t report it at the time because I was afraid he would try to damage my reputation, and that the company would hold me responsible. A week after my assault, I get this call from our head office:

Head office: Is this [My Name]?

Me: Yes it is.

Head office: Great! This is [Name] from head office! I think we met when you were hired.

Me: Yes, I believe so.

Head office: So I’m calling because we had a complaint about your misconduct. So we’re suspending you until further notice pending investigation.

Me: Are you serious?! Is this about the incident on [date]?

Head office: No no, the police are handling that. It’s a separate incident.

Me: Does it involve the same client? And the disclosures I’ve made about the events leading up to the rape?

Head office: It is not about the incident on [date].

Me: But is it the same customer making a complaint?

Head office: We’re not at liberty to say. But let me tell you something, one professional to another, you failed at your job when you didn’t report the first signs of harassment. This wouldn’t have happened to you if you knew what it was like to be a professional.

Me: Are you serious?! Forget this. I quit!

I later found out that yes, my attacker made a complaint against me when he had gotten served with a protection order. He was retaliating and the company felt it was more important to give him a voice than to stand by their employees.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!