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Unfiltered Story #249071

, | Unfiltered | December 5, 2021

(I’m on the bus with my toddler, and to keep her relatively quiet we talk about the things we can see outside. As we stop at the train station we see a woman with the brightest, funkiest rainbow-coloured hair. The other women on the bus at the time obviously knew her…)

Woman#1: “There’s [rainbow lady]. Look at her hair!!”
Woman #2: “I know. She’s way too old for that! It looks stupid…”

(I had already pointed it out to my daughter, since my mother is a hairdresser I appreciate the work that goes in and this was a masterpiece. Aside from that, her hair is doing no harm and the other two were being incredibly rude. So we got a little louder…)

Me, to Daughter: “Isn’t that lady’s hair pretty?”

Daughter: “Yeah! I wanna grow for it!”
(Translation: I would like that when I’m older.)

Me: “Yeah? Well in a few years we’ll ask Granny. Doesn’t she look like an awesome unicorn?”

Daughter: “Yeah!!”

(The other two got very quiet after that, and the bus pulled away. Rainbow Lady, we think you look great so keep rocking your unicorn hair as long as you want to!!! )

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!