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Unfiltered Story #245287

| Unfiltered | October 10, 2021

When I was about 10 years old, there was once an incident where one of my friends got really upset because one of our classmates used the word ‘cancer’ as a cussing word. This is fairly common in dutch among some people unfortunately, usually used as an addition aka cancer-thing or cancer-school… things like that. He explained, in tears, that he had lost his grandpa to cancer and because of that it hurt him to hear someone curse with it.

I lost contact with most people from that school after I went to secondary school at age 12, including that friend unfortunately, but at around age 14 through the miracle world that was MSN, I found this friend again. We talked for quite a bit and he clearly had changed from a kid into a teenager. I don’t even remember the topic we were talking about when it came up, but in the middle of the conversation this guy used cancer as a cuss, like the classmate years earlier. It shocked and saddened me, but apparently he had grown over his sensitivity to cancer. Unfortunately he had grown over many more of his sympathetic characteristics that had made us friends in the first place, so we stopped talking fairly soon again, never to start it up anymore.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!