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Unfiltered Story #241046

, | Unfiltered | August 5, 2021

(In Costa Rica a not-so-common-anymore insult for homosexuals is telling them they “drop the feather duster”. My mom and I are shopping at a department store when we approach a male cashier to pay.)

Mom: Sir, you appear to have dropped your feather-duster, as they say.
(The cashier glares at her, clearly a mixture of angry and sad.)
Me: (my mom knows I am VERY pro-equal rights so I am suprissed by her behavior) Mom! OH MY GOD!
*I turn to the cashier to apologise profusely but am stopped by a sudden realization…*
… *there was indead a feather-duster on the floor*

The cashier and I laughed when I showed it to him and confirmed he thought my mom was being mean, my mom was incredibly embarassed when she understood our laughter.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!