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Unfiltered Story #235270

, | Unfiltered | May 29, 2021

We offer free wifi at our public library and have taken to changing the password monthly. This is the conversation that took place, word-for-word, with one of our patrons:
Patron walks in and checks the sign at the front desk to see what the WIFI password is for the day
PATRON: Manifesto! Where do you get these words from?!?
ME: Well, we use a password generator…but it’s kind of cool isn’t it? You can learn a new word every day
PATRON: I know what Manifesto means! I don’t need you guys to teach me English! I know how to speak English, okay?

Then the patron turns to the person he is standing with and says ‘A manifesto is like a huge event, a big grand event like a music festival or the Olympics. The winter Olympics were a manifesto. And then he turned and walked away,

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!