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Happily Lost In Translation

| Learning | April 11, 2015

(My teacher has given us worksheets with some sentences we need to translate in Latin.)

Me: “[Friend]! [FRIEND]!”

Friend: “Wha?”

Me: “Look at this! ‘Marcus watches the happy girls.'”

Friend: “So?”

Me: “So right after that happens, it’s ‘Marcus happily watches the girls.'”

Friend: *slaps me*

(When we are checking the worksheets, our teacher says this gem.)

Teacher: “So, in these sentences, you can put the ‘happy’ wherever, but either way, Marcus watches girls.”

Class: *laughing*

Teacher: “Remind me never to use those sentences again.”

Passing Your Own Final Test

| Learning | April 10, 2015

(In some schools, some teachers play games in exam halls. Two of them will walk up and down the rows and stop at the person they believe will fail the exam, or is least popular, or some other cruel joke between them. I happen to know this at the time so when I saw a teacher, who took great delight in picking on me and hovering over me, waving to the other teacher, I am not amused.)

Me: “Is there a problem?”

Teacher: *with a smirk* “Not with me.”

Me: *in a hushed but clear tone* “Then, would you mind f****** off then?”

(I knew as soon as I said it, that it was possibly a stupid thing to do, but it was my last exam and I had a job lined up even if I failed and I was feeling cocky.)

A Lack Of Tuppercare

| Learning | April 2, 2015

(I work in a school as a custodian, and half the time, I get these exact people coming to me to ask the same question:)

Mother: “Excuse me, my child left their lunch bag here in the school and I was wondering where the lost-and-found is?”

Me: “The lost-and-found box is located at [Room Number].”

Mother: “Thank you!”

(The mother spends about 5-10 minutes looking for the lunch bag then comes back.)

Mother: “I found the lunch bag but I can’t find the Tupperware that belongs in it.”

Me: “When was the lunch bag lost?”

Mother: “Almost a month ago.”

Me: “Ah. See, I clean the lost-and-found box every week and if I find any food in a Tupperware container, I will usually throw it out because of mold and bacteria, not to mention the smell.”

Mother: “Why? Can’t you clean the Tupperware? I mean, you DO clean up the s*** in the washrooms, right? What makes cleaning Tupperware any different?”

Me: “I could do that if you want me focusing my time on your kids lunch boxes than focus on making sure the toilets and learning environment is cleaned. But, unfortunately, I am not being paid to do that kind of thing. If you like, I can look for other Tupperware in the lost-and-found and clean those and give them to you.”

Mother: “What am I, a charity case? I can buy more Tupperware!”

Me: “Okay, then. Sorry for the trouble.”

(Later that day I had a call from the office saying they had a mother complain about her Tupperware containers being thrown out. The office told her that I had no time to deal with such small problems like that. The next week, she came back and apologized to me and said she had a lot of stress in her life and she needed to vent out at someone. I told her it was ok; it happens to the best of us. She is now my biggest supporter and will get her kids to help pick up garbage outside now and then, trying to make my job a little easier!)

The Silent Killer, Part 2

| Learning | March 30, 2015

(I’m a very quiet and unassuming person and well-known for being meek and gentle. The teacher is currently talking about serial killers for some reason or another.)

Teacher: “They’re always the ones that no one expects. They tend to be quiet or masters at avoiding attention and often they seem very friendly at first. You always have to watch the quiet ones.”

(All at once every single classmate of mine turns their head to face me.)

Me: “I am not a serial killer!”

Teacher: “Okay, guys, maybe you don’t always have to watch the quiet ones…”


Please Do Not Summon Demons In The Classroom

| Friendly | March 27, 2015

(I’m telling my friend about a graphic novel I’m currently reading.)

Me: “So this is why you never use an Ouija board. See, they accidentally summon this demon because the board spells out the phrase, ‘Ommax Kamara’ and they said it aloud, which lets the demon out.”

(My friend pauses and stares at me for a moment.)

Me: “Oh, my god, did I really just say that out loud?”