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Roundup: The Most Popular Stories Of The Week

| Right | September 11, 2016

Shake off the week of bad customers… with even more bad customers! Find for your reading pleasure below, a roundup of the most popular stories of the last week (September 5th – September 11th 2016)!

See more roundups here! Don’t forget to check out this week’s comic!

To Boldly Go, Where No Customer Has Gone Before!

| Right | September 8, 2016

To celebrate today as the 50th anniversary of Star Trek, we’ve collected a few stories of our worst customers boldly going, sadly, where many customers have gone before… Live long and prosper!




Star Trek Names: The Next Generation 

(A female customer comes up to my register with a heap of baby books. She notices my name tag.)

Customer: “That’s an unusual name. Where did your parents come up with it?”

Me: “Oh, my parents are Star Trek fans. The character I’m named after happened to be a name they liked. It’s also Native American and means ‘light’.”

Customer: “It’s beautiful! Do you mind if I write it down?”

(Flattered, I write down my name, the pronunciation, and the definition on a slip of paper. The customer buys the baby books and leaves. Six months later another customer comes in, and sees my unusual name.)

Customer #2: “Oh, so that’s where she got it.”

Me: “Pardon?”

Customer #2: “My sister-in-law just had a baby girl. She said she got the name from an employee in this store.”

Me: “Oh, my. Well please thank her for me. It’s an honor.”

(I never got to meet the next generation of my name. I will not forget the lady who bought the books and chose my name over all the others.)


Hailing Frequencies Open But Nobody’s Home

(My brother runs a company that sells sci-fi and fantasy memorabilia. A customer came up to the table and started inspecting a replica Star Trek communicator.)

Customer: “So does this actually work?”

Me: “Oh, yes. When you flip it open, it lights up and plays authentic sound effects.”

Customer: “No, no, I mean, does it actually communicate with the Enterprise?”

Me: *joking* “Well, the ship would be out of range if it wasn’t in orbit.”

Customer: *serious* “Oh, right!”


Klingon To The Hope Of A Ticket

Customer: “Two tickets for Star Trek, please.”

Me: “That showing has sold out, sir.”

Customer: “What! That’s impossible!”

Me: “The IMAX is very popular sir. I am afraid we don’t have any more seats until tomorrow.”

Customer: “I need to see this movie! You’re not a Star Trek fan. You wouldn’t understand! Please sell me a ticket!”

Me: “I would love to sir, but the needs of the one or the few do not outweigh the needs of the many.”

Customer: *recognizing my quote from Star Trek* “I see. I suppose I couldn’t say that sometimes the needs of the one or the few do outweigh the needs of the many?”

Me: “No sir, that would be quite illogical.”

Customer: “Hmm, you’re good.”

Me: “I must have the lobes for business.”

Customer: “Two tickets for tomorrow then, please.”

Me: “Very good, sir.”

Customer: “Live long and prosper!”


In Spock We Trust

Customer: “Why is Star Trek on the wall?”

Me: “It’s a new release sir, interested in renting it?”

Customer: “Son, Star Trek is a tool of the Devil. I demand that you remove it from your shelves!”

Me: “I can’t do that.”

Customer: “God forgive you for corrupting the youth of America!”


Not Quite Three-Thinking

(We have the top ten DVD’s on a wall. We use an empty case with a number on it to show where each film is ranked in the top ten. A man walks up and puts the number ‘3’ case on the counter.)

Customer: “I’d like to hire this.”

Me: “This isn’t a movie. Star Trek is currently ranked number 3. Would you like to rent that?”

Customer: “No, I don’t want Star Trek! I want this one!”

Me: “Sorry, that is just an empty case that we use to show our top ten rentals, it isn’t a film. If you’d like to rent one of our top ten make sure you grab one of the take home cases behind the display cases.”

(The man seems to catch on, returns to the shelf and walks back with one of the generic DVD cases we use to chock up the number ‘3’ case so it sits flush with the other DVDs).

Customer: “There! Now will you let me rent it?”

Roundup: The Most Popular Stories Of The Week

| Right | September 4, 2016

Shake off the week of bad customers… with even more bad customers! Find for your reading pleasure below, a roundup of the most popular stories of the last week (August 29th – September 4th 2016)!

See more roundups here! Don’t forget to check out this week’s comic!

Roundup: The Most Popular Stories Of The Week

| Right | August 28, 2016

Shake off the week of bad customers… with even more bad customers! Find for your reading pleasure below, a roundup of the most popular stories of the last week (August 22nd – August 28th 2016)!

See more roundups here! Don’t forget to check out this week’s comic!

Happy Independence Day From Not Always Right!

| Right | July 4, 2016

It’s July 4th! And since it was a citizen of the United States that coined the term “The Customer Is Always Right,” we’ve decided to highlight an example of how this is not the case, from every single state. That’s right, fifty stories of customer service woe to tide you over while you wait for the fireworks! Happy Independence Day!

Alabama – Just A (Cast The First) Stone’s Throw Away From A True Christian

(I live in the Bible belt of America, where homophobia is the norm. I’m a gay man and was outed by a previous coworker, so now I deal with two or three bigots per week. This takes place an early Sunday morning.)

Me: “Hello. Did you find everything today?”

Customer #1: *a bigot who frequents my lane just to insult me* “Everything except a good, god fearing cashier!”

Me: *scanning items and not paying attention* “Your total is $48.50, sir. Would you like to pay cash or credit?”

Customer #1: “You’re going to Hell, you know! You and all your godd***** f*****! Pick up a Bible and learn how to be a Christian!”

(He then proceeds to throw his credit card at me. I check him out while enduring his verbal abuse, as usual. Finally he’s gone to bag his groceries while the next customer comes up. He’s an elderly man, around 60, wearing a sweater and a large prominent cross. I fear the worst but he hands me a gift card.)

Customer #2: “Bless you, son. I’d like you to have this to make up for those of us who are less then their best.”

(Customer #1 has heard Customer #2 and starts yelling.)

Customer #1: “You’re going to Hell for supporting this f**! Learn how to be a good Christian!”

(Customer #2 removes his sweater to reveals he’s a priest. Customer #1’s eyes widen in shock.)

Customer #2: “Well, if I’m going to Hell I don’t believe there’s much hope for any of us now, is there?”

(He was the new pastor for the church and one of his first sermons was on spreading love instead of hate. I thank you, good sir, for reminding me what a real Christian is like.)