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Heed The Words Of Wisdom

| Right | October 23, 2014

(Our libraries offer self-checkout stations in addition to staff-assisted checkout. The self-check consists of a touch-screen monitor and barcode scanner. Using the scanner can take some practice. If it doesn’t get the entire item barcode an error message appears on the monitor. There are also several other error messages a customer can get regarding late fees, exceeding the checkout limit, etc. Because the monitors face customers and not the staff, we don’t know what error someone has unless we run around the counter to look. Some customers aren’t great at articulating which error message they’ve received or for asking for assistance at all.)

Customer: *scans an item* “There. Are. Words.”

Me: “I’m sorry? Did you get an err—”


Me: “Let’s take a look. It’s asking you to tap the ‘OK’ button and scan the item again because it misread the barcode.”

Customer: *she jabs at the screen and re-scans the item aggressively*

Me: “Yay, it worked!”

Customer: *grunts and walks away*

Coworker: “If she couldn’t handle reading the screen, how will she manage with the book she’s checked out?”

Jesus Cannot Save You From Homework

| Learning | October 6, 2014

Classmate #1: “When was that paper due?”

Professor: “Today.”

Classmate #1: “Crap. I forgot. I meant to work on it yesterday, but I was volunteering at the church…”

(Pause. And then we all burst out laughing.)

Classmate #1: *laughing as well* “I’m serious! I know that sounded like a lie, but I really was.”

Classmate #2: “Oh, what, after you helped old ladies cross the street?”

Classmate #1: “I was teaching children about Jesus!”

Professor: “And Jesus didn’t remind you to do your homework?”

An Attention Deficit Disorder

| Right | October 1, 2014

(A patron grabs a pair of our headphones, puts them in her purse, and starts walking away.)

Me: “Ma’am, you can’t take our headphones away from the computer area.”

Patron: “Oh. I didn’t think you were paying attention, so I just took them. Is that okay?”

Me: “…no. No, it isn’t.”

Ask A Silly Question…

| Right | September 29, 2014

(I am in charge of our text service at the library where I work. We had a patron for a time who delighted in pranking us with odd or silly questions. We generally handle such instances in a very professional manner, but one evening when the patron texted in, I decided it was time to fight back.)

Patron: “How do I get to the library?”

Me: “The same way you get to Carnegie Hall: practice, practice, practice.”

Patron: “Is there any way I can practice watching the live NFL draft in the library?”

Me: “Nope. So sorry. Try [Local Bar].”

Patron: “But I have a final test tomorrow.”

Me: “Then [Local Bar] probably isn’t a great idea.”

Patron: “Thank you for your generous advice.”

Me: “Always thrilled to be of service.”

Patron: “I accidentally whispered on the quiet floor of the library. What are the repercussions?”

Me: “Death. There is no alternative. But on the bright side, your folks will probably get a hefty life insurance payout.”

Patron: “Unfortunately no one has yet insured my life. However if you are interested I can arrange for payments.”

Me: “Oh, that’s very sad. Maybe they don’t love you. You deserve parents who will put a price on your life.”

Patron: “Touché, library person!”

Me: *bows; exeunt stage left*

Sadly Just A Flash Fire

| Working | September 15, 2014

Manager: “We’re going to have a fire drill during the meeting today. Some of you will be acting as staff and some of you will portray customers.”

Coworker: “Can I be someone’s unmarked service animal?”

Me: “Can I be the fire?”

Manager: “No, we only have 10 minutes for this…”