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Ripping Apart Their Excuses

| Right | November 2, 2016

(I’m putting away items when the new associate approaches me. It is only her second or third shift.)

Coworker: *nervously* “Do we discount damaged items? The lady at the register is asking.”

(Giving her a smile, I follow her back to the registers to handle the situation.)

Me: “How can I help you today?”

Customer: “This coat has a huge rip it in! You have to discount it for me.” *she shoves the coat in my face*

(I take the coat from her and start trying to look for what she’s talking about. Clearly upset that I won’t take her word for it she points at a few threads sticking out of the seam, which is in no way a rip/tear in the coat.)

Me: “Ma’am, this is excess thread from when they were serging the seams, not a rip. It’s perfectly normal on clothing items that are mass produced.”

Customer: *getting more upset that I won’t mark the brand new item down for her* “You should still discount it.”

Me: “I would be happy to get you another one from the back. Since the jackets are so large, we only keep one of each size out.”

(While explaining this, I grab a pair of scissors and snip off the threads so that the coat looks just like all the other ones.)

Customer: “It’s going to get a hole in it now!”

(I give the woman a steady look before taking hold of the jacket and tugging with some force at the spot I cut the thread from. Nothing happens to the coat.)

Me: “No, I don’t think it is.”

(The customer purchased the coat, at full price, and left without another word.)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!