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Needs To Adopt A Better Understanding Of Your Students

| Learning | May 27, 2016

(My brother and I are in the same math class. We are the same age but don’t share a birthday because we are both adopted. Everyone knows this and it is usually very obvious. Today we have just started a unit on statistics.)

Teacher: “Today we will start a new unit. Statistics isn’t usually very interesting but I have planned an activity for us to do instead of the practice questions. First I want everyone to line up in order from oldest to youngest.”

(We line up.)

Teacher: “This doesn’t look right. [My Name], what month were you born in?”

Me: “February.”

Teacher: “[Brother], you are supposed to stand over here.” *points to the spot next to me*

Brother: “I was born in April.”

Teacher: “Oh, how old are you?”

Brother: “15.”

Teacher: “And you [My Name]?”

Me: “I’m 15.”

Teacher: “Is this a joke? Siblings can’t be born two-months apart. That’s impossible!”

Me: “We’re adopted.”

Teacher: “Seriously?”

Me: “Yes.”

Teacher: “All this time I thought you were twins.”

Me: “We don’t even look related. I’m black and he’s Asian.”

Teacher: “Well, I thought twins was more likely than adopted. If you have a kid and adopt another one it’s either because the first one stopped being cute and you want a younger kid or you realized he was completely useless and want an older kid.”

(Everyone in the class laughed. That was the first and, so far, the only time someone confused us for twins.)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!