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Looney Over Luna

| Working | October 11, 2016

(It’s been a busy day and we’re all taking a quick tea break. I and another colleague have gotten into a discussion about Harry Potter and the ‘Deathly Hallows Part One’ (which has just come out). I have read the books, my colleague has not.)

Colleague: “I was so upset about Dobby I had to leave. I was DISTRAUGHT!”

Me: “Yeah, it’s one of two times I cried reading the books.”

Colleague: “Oh, I’d never read them. I can’t imagine living through Dobby again.”

Me: “You might like them; there’s more of Dobby in the books.”

Colleague: “Really? I wonder how much they left out.”

Me: “Loads. My favourite part of Deathly Hallows was missed out of the movie as well.”

Colleague: “Oh, no, that’s awful!”

Me: “I know. It isn’t long, but it describes Luna’s bedroom, and how she has a mural or the trio and Neville on her ceiling, and a ribbon going around them made out of the word ‘friends.’”

Colleague: “Oh, that’s so sweet!” *I can see her tearing up*

Me: “Yeah, it really solidified her as a favourite character for me.”

Colleague: “That… she actually… had friends. And then she was… taken!” *by now there are streams down both sides of her cheeks*

Me: “Yeah, but she’s tough. She can survive anything. Are you looking forward to Part Two?”

Colleague: “…”

Me: “Umm, are you all right?”

Colleague: “I just… Luna.” *she grabs me* “PLEASE TELL ME SHE LIVES!”

Me: “Do you really want me to spoil it for you?”

Colleague: *near panic and clenching harder* “SHE DOESN’T, DOES SHE!?”

Me: *panicking myself now* “No, she lives! She lives!”

Colleague: *calming down but not loosening her grip* “Oh, thank GOD!”

(She eventually lets go but collapses on the floor sobbing into one of my legs. She is sent home before our break is over. Our manager comes in after seeing her off.)

Manager: “What did you do?”

Me: “I don’t know. We were just talking about Harry Potter.”

Manager: “Well, don’t do it again, and please, whatever you do: DO. NOT. MENTION. SIMBA!”

Me: “The Lion King?”

(My manager just wagged his finger at me as he left the room.)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!