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A Lost Lost Cause

| Right | June 13, 2014

(I work at a supermarket service desk. I have just clocked in when a customer comes up and I greet her and ask what I could do for her, per usual.)

Customer: “Yes, I’ve lost my sunglasses. Has anyone turned them in?”

Me: “Let me check for you, ma’am. What do they look like?”

Customer: *irrationally irate and screams* “SUNGLASSES!”

Me: “Yes, but what do they look like? Like, the color of the frames, or if they’re name brand?”

Customer: “Oh, I don’t know! You don’t know if they’re back there? They’re like a tortoise-shell color, like the brown and black design!”

Me: “Okay. Let me check for you.”

(I check my drawer below my register and only see some reading glasses and a pair of children’s sunglasses.)

Me: “I’m sorry, but they don’t seem to be here.”

Customer: “Well, I left them in the restroom and they’re not THERE!”

Me: “I’m sorry, ma’am. They’re not here at the moment, but if you’d like I can take your name and num—”

Customer: “So you KNOW they’re not back there?”

Me: “Yes. There are no sunglasses that fit your description back here, but if you’d—”

Customer: “So. YOU KNOW!? You have that authority? Who are you? Who are you?! What’s your name?”

Me: “I am [My Name], but yes, I’ve looked in any area your glasses may be and they’re not here.”

Customer: “And you KNOW this?”

Me: “Yes. If you’d like I can take your information down and we can call you if they are turned in. Sometimes items aren’t turned in until someone has finished shopping and—”

Customer: “I know that! Do I seem stupid?”

(She then walked off without giving me her information.)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!