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Unfiltered Story #56741

Unfiltered | February 24, 2016

We are allowed a radio in the office, unfortunately due to the age gap there is a real conflict of musical taste.

As two of the younger guys brought the radio, we normally have a station on that plays more chart hits.

Coworker: i’m sorry but this is rubbish (turning radio down)

Me: Whats the problem?

Coworker: This music, it is the same every day.

Me: It’s not the same exactly.

Coworker: It’s been on this morning and I’ve heard the same song four times! (Other radio station) is far better, as least theres some variety.

Me: You realise that this is a chart show?

Coworker: (Blank look)

Me; As in, it only plays songs that are in the charts, there is only so many songs they can pick from.

Coworker: Well they should put some different ones in, some for older guys like us to listen two.

Me: You want a radio station aimed at a younger generation, to play music that many of them won’t have even heard of?

Coworker: Well yeah…

(We never did agree on the radio, eventually (after me pointing it out several times) they brought a second radio. With both on quietly we could all listen to what we wanted. Although it didn’t stop the complaining!)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!