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Unfiltered Story #296098

| Unfiltered | July 11, 2023

Some people are really prepared to do whatever their employer tells them to, whether it’s legal (or ethical) or not. And some employers have absolutely no problem with taking advantage of this.

For instance, I used to work at a place where I heard a coworker once say this:

Coworker: ‘I told them I wanted to learn the work of the technical department here, so that I might be more useful. And [manager] said: “If you want to learn that, you need to learn that in your own time. We’re not going to pay you for it, naturally.”‘

So, the guy came in one entire week FOR FREE to learn the work anyway. To this day, I’m pretty sure this was illegal. I still don’t get why he let them do this to him. Or what’s so naturally about not paying someone for learning to do more work.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!