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200+ Cat Puns & Jokes That Are A-Meow-zing

Extras | December 29, 2023

I’m a cat purr-son, and purr-oud of it!

If you’re a cat purr-son, you’ve likely heard your fair share of kitten humor! We’ve compiled a list of the most claw-ver cat puns, because we think our kitties are a-meow-zing.

Humanity’s love for puns and cats is as old as time. In fact, ancient Egyptians, who regarded cats as magical creatures, also loved puns. Many Egyptian hieroglyphics look different, but sound the same when pronounced. This made them ideal for magic spells. You could say that cats have a meow-gical connection to us!

So, why our obsession with cats and vo-cat-bulary? It’s the purr-fect way to say thanks to our felines for the paw-sitive impact they have on our daily lives. Here’s a hiss-terical list of over 200 cat puns and jokes, just fur you!

Funny Cat Puns

All fur one, and one fur all!

  1. All fur one, and one fur all!
  2. You’ve cat to be kitten me right meow!
  3. I’m a cat purr-son, and purr-oud of it!
  4. I’m feline fine!
  5. Meow you’re talking!
  6. The paw-sibilities are endless!
  7. I’m just kitten around.
  8. My cat sure is purr-suasive.
  9. How do you like me meow?
  10. Let me put my thinking cat on.
  11. Stop stressing meow-t!

Stay paw-sitive! Cat-itude is everything.

  1. Stay pawsitive! Cat-itude is everything.
  2. Can I have a meow-ment?
  3. I can tell you have a secret! It’s kitten all over your face!
  4. I beg your paw-don?!
  5. Don’t be a copy-cat. Be the fur-st one!
  6. Help meow-t!
  7. I’ve had a claw-ful day.
  8. You are a fur-midable opponent.
  9. You’re freaking meow-t.

BFFs: Best fur-iends fur-ever!

  1. BFFs: Best fur-iends fur-ever!
  2. Don’t be a sour-puss.
  3. That’s a-meow-zing.
  4. I’m feline sad.
  5. Are you fur real?!
  6. Wait a meow-nute, are you kitten me?
  7. Meow-zel tov!
  8. My cat hates to work. She always does the bare mew-nimum.
  9. Cat-pe diem and live in the meow-ment!

Cat Jokes

What is a cat’s favorite day of the week? Cat-urday!

  1. What is a cat’s favorite day of the week?
    • Cat-urday!
  2. How do cats greet each other?
    • Meow are you doing?
  3. What are a cat’s favorite oceans?
    • The Cat-lantic and Purr-cific Oceans
  4. What are a cat’s favorite seas?
    • The Cat-ribbean and Meow-diterranean Seas
  5. Why did the cats ask for a guitar?
    • They wanted to make mew-sic.
  6. Why did the cats get on stage?
    • To star in Cats: The Mew-sical
  7. What is a cat’s favorite landmark?
    • The Egyptian purr-amids
  8. What’s a cat’s favorite reality show?
    • Real Mouse-wives of Cat-lanta
  9. Where do wilderness cats live?
    • Up in the meow-ntains.
  10. What horror movie do cats love?
    • Purr-anormal Activity

What’s a cat’s favorite sports car? A Furr-ari

  1. What’s a cat’s favorite sports car?
    • A Furr-ari
  2. Why are cats good at math?
    • They love fur-mulas and cat-culations!
  3. If cats taught school, what would they be called?
    • Purr-fessors
  4. What do lazy cats do?
    • The bare meow-nimum
  5. Why don’t cats like online shopping?
    • They prefer meow-l order cat-alogues.
  6. What word do millennial cats overuse?
    • Litter-ally
  7. What do you call a funny cat?
    • Hiss-terical
  8. Why did the cat get fined?
    • It was caught litter-ing
  9. What’s the best medicine for cat allergies?
    • An anti-hiss-tamine

What's every kitten’s favorite movie? The Little Purr-maid

  1. What’s every kitten’s favorite movie?
    • The Little Purr-maid
  2. What’s the worst kind of cat?
    • A cat-astrophe
  3. What’s a disaster caused by cats?
    • A cat-aclysm
  4. What do you call a confused cat?
    • Purr-plexed
  5. What do cats think of humans?
    • They’re in-fur-rior beings.
  6. How do you know a cat is educated?
    • It uses excellent vo-cat-bulary!
  7. What happens if you forget to buy cat food?
    • Beg for fur-giveness
  8. What are a cat’s favorite video controls?
    • Paw-se and Fast Fur-ward
  9. How did you apologize to your cat for cursing?
    • I have a foul meow-th. Paw-don my language!
  10. What does a cat say after a good nap?
    • I feel as good as mew!

How does a cat wizard say hello? Have a meow-gical day!

  1. How does a cat wizard say hello?
    • Have a meow-gical day!
  2. Why are cats natural bakers?
    • They can make a cake from scratch.
  3. What did the cat say at the concert?
    • That’s mew-sic to my ears!
  4. What did the impatient cat say?
    • Any minute meow…
  5. What did the adventurous cat say?
    • It’s meow or never!
  6. What do you call a cat who misbehaves?
    • Faux-paw
  7. What did the angry cat say?
    • Oh, paw-lease!
  8. What did the skeptical cat say?
    • Purr-haps…
  9. What did the humorless cat say?
    • These puns are a-paw-ling.
  10. What did the introverted cat say?
    • Un-fur-tunately, I’ll be unable to attend.
  11. What does an optimistic cat say?
    • So fur, so good!

Why is your cat the boss? Be-claws it said so!

  1. Why is your cat the boss?
    • Be-claws it said so!
  2. What is a cat’s favorite color?
    • Purr-ple
  3. What do you call a cat who loves to bowl?
    • An alley cat
  4. What is a cat ballerina’s favorite move?
    • A purr-ouette
  5. What do cats wear to smell good?
    • Purr-fume!
  6. What’s a cat’s favorite TV show?
    • Claw and Order.
  7. What do cats sing at the baseball game?
    • Take meow-t to the ball game!
  8. If your cat was an artist, what would they paint?
    • Self paw-traits
  9. What is a cat’s favorite Star Trek phrase?
    • Live long and paws-per!
  10. What is a cat’s favorite Star Wars phrase?
    • I’ve got a bad feline about this…
  11. What’s a cat’s favorite book?
    • The Great Cats-by

Cat Name Puns

Punny Cat Name - A-meow-lia Earhart

  1. A-mew-lia Earhart
  2. Aretha Fur-anklin
  3. Benjamin Fur-anklin
  4. Cat Benatar
  5. Cat-lie Jenner
  6. Cat-niss Everdeen
  7. Cat-pernicus
  8. Cat-skade

Punny Cat Name - DJ Cat-vin Harris

  1. Cat-vin Harris
  2. Cat-zilla
  3. Cindy Claw-ford
  4. Cat-alie Portman
  5. Cleo-cat-ra
  6. Dolly Purr-ton
  7. Erwin Schroding-purr
  8. Fur-anz Lizst
  9. Fur-ederic Chopin

Punny Cat Name - Harry Paw-ter

  1. Harry Paw-ter
  2. Kim Kat-dashian
  3. Kitty Purry
  4. Leonardo Di-Cat-rio
  5. Luke Skywalk-purr
  6. Marsh-meow-llo
  7. Meow-donna
  8. Meow-ly Cyrus
  9. Meow-rilyn Monroe
  10. Meow-tin Garrix
  11. Meow-ya Angelou

Punny Cat Name - Meow-zart

  1. Meow-zart
  2. Notorious C.A.T.
  3. O-purr Winfrey
  4. Paw McCartney
  5. Paw-blo Pi-cat-sso
  6. Purr-fessor Dumbledore
  7. Purr-fessor Meow-gonagall
  8. Purr-ter Robinson

Punny Cat Name - Santa Claws

  1. Santa Claws
  2. Sir Isaac Mew-ton
  3. Ti-meow-thee Chalamet
  4. Will Fur-ell
  5. William Shakes-paw
  6. Yo-Yo Meow

Cat Birthday Puns

Cat Birthday Pun - Happy Purr-thday!

  1. You’re how old?! You’ve gato be kitten me.
  2. Happy purr-thday!
  3. Have a purr-fect birthday!
  4. It’s time to paw-ty!
  5. Happy birthday to one cool cat.
  6. Another birthday?! Im-paw-ssible!
  7. Turn up the mew-sic and let’s get this paw-ty started!
  8. Wishing you a paw-some birthday!

Cat Food Puns

Cat Food Pun - Avo-cat-o (avocado)

  1. Avo-cat-o (avocado)
  2. Baked purr-tato (baked potato)
  3. Bis-cat-ti (biscotti)
  4. Boba Mew-lk Tea (boba milk tea)
  5. Cat-fe A-meow-ricano (cafe americano)
  6. Cat-fe Meow-cchiato (caffe macchiato)
  7. Cat-fe Meow-cha (caffe mocha)
  8. Cat-lifornia Roll (california roll)

Cat Food Pun - Cat-purr-cino (cappuccino)

  1. Cat-purr-cino (cappuccino)
  2. Cat-su Curry (katsu curry)
  3. Cat-sup (ketchup / catsup)
  4. Cinna-meow-n Roll (cinnamon roll)
  5. De-cat-ffeinated Coffee (decaffeinated coffee)
  6. Fo-cat-cia (focaccia)
  7. Frank-fur-ter (frankfurter)
  8. Fur-tune Cookies (fortune cookies)

Cat Food Pun - Ham-purr-ger (hamburger)

  1. Ham-purr-ger (hamburger)
  2. Marsh-meow-low (marshmallow)
  3. Mice Crispies (rice crispies)
  4. Meow-carons (macarons)
  5. Meow-tini: shaked, not purred (martini: shaken, not stirred)
  6. Nyan bread (naan bread)
  7. Paw-pcorn (popcorn)

Cat Food Pun - Paws-ta (pasta)

  1. Paws-ta (pasta)
  2. Pep-purr-mint Patties (peppermint patties)
  3. Purr-ito (burrito)
  4. Purr-secco (prosecco)
  5. Strawberry Purr-fait (strawberry parfait)
  6. Ta-meow-go (tamago)
  7. Tem-purr-a (tempura)
  8. Tira-meow-su (tiramisu)
  9. To-meow-toes (tomatoes)
  10. Water-meow-lon (watermelon)

Pun Cat Words

What's with the bad CAT-itude?

  1. Cat (What’s with the bad cat-titude?)
  2. Kitten (Are you kitten me?)
  3. Meow (Meow-ch, that hurts!)
  4. Mew (Very a-mew-sing.)
  5. Fur (I totally fur-got!)
  6. Purr (That’s just purr-fect.)
  7. Paw (Press the paw-se button!)
  8. Claw (The food was clawful!)
  9. Feline (I hope you’re feline better!)

Romantic Valentine’s Day Cat Puns & Pickup Lines

I love you, meow and fur-ever!

  1. I love you, meow and fur-ever!
  2. You’re un-fur-gettable.
  3. You’ve got me feline good!
  4. Meow you doin’?
  5. You look won-fur-ful tonight.
  6. Have I told you how paw-some you are?
  7. You’re purr-fect just the way you are.
  8. We were meant to be; our relationship was kitten in the stars!
  9. I only have eyes fur you.

I love your purr-sonality.

  1. I love your purr-sonality.
  2. Will you meow-y me?
  3. Whisker me away.
  4. You are so purr-ty.
  5. You’re paw-sitively glowing.
  6. Do I know you? You look fur-miliar.
  7. You’re the cat’s paw-jamas!
  8. Let’s not fight, baby. I’d rather hiss and make up.
  9. I’ve got felines for you.
  10. You look meow-velous, darling!

Christmas & New Year Cat Puns

What is a cat’s favorite Christmas song? All I Want For Christmas Is Mew

  1. What is a cat’s favorite Christmas song?
    • All I Want For Christmas Is Mew
  2. What did the cat say to Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer?
    • You’ll go down in hiss-story.
  3. What do cats say to each other on Christmas?
    • Meow-y Christmas!
  4. What do cats wish each other around Christmas?
    • May your days be meow-y and bright!
  5. What is a cat’s favorite Santa song?
    • Santa Claws Is Coming To Town

What do cats say every January 1st? Happy Mew Year!

  1. What do cats say every January 1st?
    • Happy Mew Year!
  2. What is a cat’s favorite Christmas carol?
    • Deck The Paws With Bells & Holly, Fur La La La La, La Paw Paw Paw
  3. What is a cat’s favorite Spanish Christmas song?
    • Fleas Navidad
  4. Why do cats like Christmas?
    • Because they’re feline festive!
  5. What do cats like the most about Christmas?
    • Getting Christmas purr-sents
  6. What do cats say in December?
    • Happy Paw-lidays!

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!

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