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She’s Well Within Your League

| Romantic | September 28, 2011

(My mom comes in from the back porch where she and my dad are relaxing after dinner. He comes in shortly after her.)

Mom: “I can’t believe your father. Just cannot believe him!”

Me: “Why? What’d you do, Dad?”

Dad: “I just told her that she’s the love of my life!”

Mom: “Yeah, that’s not ALL you said. Tell her why I’m the love of your life.”

Dad: “I don’t think that’s really appro–”

Mom: “Tell her!”

Dad: “…because she’s the only woman I had a chance at.”

Hair Apparent, Frustratingly Senescent

| Romantic | September 26, 2011

(I’m sitting outside, relaxing in the sun with my youngest daughter, when my sweet husband comes out the front door to talk to me. He looks down at us and pauses before going back inside.)

Husband: “You know honey, the way you’re sitting there with the sun shining on your hair, I just realized…”

(I smile at him affectionately, anticipating the compliment he is about to pay me.)

Husband: “You’re getting really gray-headed, old woman!”


Hair Apparent, Forgetfulness Deterrent

| Romantic | September 15, 2011

(My boyfriend and I have only been dating a week or so, and have only known each other a few days longer. I am a blonde, albeit a very dark blonde.)

Boyfriend: “You know, I’ve been thinking about this tall, gorgeous, brunette woman all day.”

Me: “Oh, really? And who would that be?”

(He’s never gotten my hair color wrong again.)

The Chains Of Love

| Romantic | September 13, 2011

Boyfriend: “Why didn’t you do the washing up and hoovering while I was out?”

Me: “It’s your turn to wash-up. I did hoover, but it’s hard to get all the hair from your dog up.”

Boyfriend: “That’s no excuse! I expect the house to be spotless when I come home! Spotless!”

(Our friends turned up later to find the front door open and my boyfriend handcuffed to the sink. From what I hear, he was very upset. Not surprisingly, we are no longer together.)

Sweethearts Sans Sweets

| Romantic | September 9, 2011

(This happens just after Father’s Day, as my siblings and I always get our father a special “Dad’s Bag” from a well-known Australian retailer. It includes an assortment of candies and chocolates.)

Mum: “You going to share your chocolate with me?”

Dad: “Sure…”

(My dad starts sorting through the chocolate, while mum waits expectantly.)

Dad: “Hmm, not this one. I love these ones…”

(My dad keeps sorting, while mum continues to wait patiently.)

Dad: “Not this one either…”

(Finally, my dad reaches deep in bag, and looks back at my mum.)

Dad: “Oh, here you go! I’ll share this with you!”

Mum: *excitedly* “Oooh, what is it?

Dad: “The card!”

Mum: *not so excited*

This story is part of our Father’s Day roundup.

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