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Adopting A New Teaching Style

| Learning | December 19, 2014

(In fourth grade, I have an older teacher that is renowned for her strictness and lack of tact. We’re currently discussing the ‘abortion vs. adoption’ controversy in which she, being very conservative and religious, is pro-life and very intent on proving it.)

Teacher: “I don’t know how this could be more obvious! People must live with the consequences! Look at [My Name], she was adopted and is perfectly fine!

Me: *blinks confusedly*

Rest Of The Class: *turns to stare at me, horrified*

(And that was how I found out I was adopted. It had apparently been brought up in a parent/teacher meeting some weeks before, for reasons I still don’t know.)

This story is part of the Fourth Grader roundup!

Read the next Fourth Grader roundup story!

Read the Fourth Grader roundup!

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!