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Their Math Is Taking A Dive

, , , | Right | July 21, 2022

A foreign couple has pre-booked a holiday package that included a ten-dive package. By the end of their holiday, they have their ten dives and two extra, so we present them with a bill for the remainder.

They look at the bill in confusion.

Customer: “But we paid for ten dives.”

Me: “Yes, your ten dives booked through [Travel Company] were settled directly with them. This is for the additional dives you had.”

Customer: “But we paid for ten dives.”

I politely explain again that the bill is for the extra dives.

Customer: “But we paid for ten dives.”

I take out a pen and paper and write down all the dates and times of their dive trips. The customer confirms they are correct. I circle the first ten and confirm there are ten in the circle and two remaining out. The customer confirms this. I am looking hopeful that there is understanding.

Customer: “But we paid for ten dives.”

I’m not ashamed to admit I threw the pen and paper into the air in exasperation.