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Taking Back Command For The Post

| Learning | March 27, 2014

(It’s an ordinary day in class. My instructor is lecturing, and most of the students are taking notes, except for one student who keeps playing with his phone.)

Phone: “Say a command.”

(Everyone within earshot notices this, but our instructor doesn’t let it get to him. He continues with the lesson.)

Phone: “Say a command.”

(Now a few students are starting to get annoyed, and are giving this problem student the stink-eye. He’s still in his own world, unaware of what’s around him, still playing with his phone.)

Phone: “Say a command.”

(Another student begins to stand up, presumably to go and confront our troublesome classmate. But our instructor signals for him to sit back down, which he does. Then our instructor quietly walks up to the ignorant student and…)

Instructor: “F*** OFF! HOW’S THAT FOR A COMMAND?”

(The student with the phone jumps out of his chair and drops the phone. Its battery and cover fall off, and the instructor quickly snatches up the battery and holds onto it for the rest of class!)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!